Srdx figure kotona
Srdx figure kotona

srdx figure kotona

However their quality is satisfactory and the limbs fit on pretty nicely. Nothing too flashy about her in this swimsuit version.Īll of the figures are quite nicely done, some aren't painted very well, with some specks clearly seen on some of the limbs. However her pose is also unique and quite stable since she's practically lying back on her butt. The features are nicely done, colours are quite vibrant, except that the design of the swimsuit was less than flattering. Here comes with the tough chick with an attitude, Leena Toros. The heart-shaped thing on her skirt may drop off every now and then so you'll have to fix it on permanently with glue or something. Originally I thought she was Moonbay then someone told me she was Sweet. Silverfast also offers iSRD for scanners which include infrared channel output. As a plug-in SRDx is being marketed separately through its dedicated website. The only character that's not in a swimsuit of sorts. It is fact derived from the SRDx feature included in the Silverfast scanning application produced by Lasersoft AG. She has a unique pose and the colours are extremely vibrant. It doesn't fit on very well though and may drop off if it isn't fixed properly. Nice sculpt and she comes with a black-coloured handgun as a special item. Now this is a nice statue, if you're into green swimsuits that is. She looks very sexy though but unfortunately, her birdy friend isn't included as a special item like the dagger and fish for Re Mie. DĪnd that's only because her outfit happens to be the skimpiest in the collection. Now this is the one that would make some guys drool. The see-through version happens to be the chase figure for this set and I got this on the first try.īoth are totally identical and she looks very demure in this pose. There's also 2 variants for this character, one with a normal blue skirt and the other with a see-through green-tinted skirt. Apart from this they are totally identical so if its not an issue I suppose you don't really need to have both. What you will normally get is the one with the dagger. I didn't notice this at first but after opening the capsules I realised there were 2 variants. One comes with a skewered fish, the other comes with a dagger.

Srdx figure kotona